Board leadership and company purpose
Purpose, values and culture
The Board is responsible for establishing
theCompany’s purpose, values and strategy
and plays a vital role in ensuring that the
Company’s culture is aligned with those values
and strategic objectives.
In November 2021, the Company set out its
vision and strategy: ‘Pubs to be proud of’, with
clearly defined values, goals and targets
which promote the long-term success of the
Company. The strategy was developed to
reflect the development of our business as a
focused pub operator and the values aimed
to capture the essence of the unique culture
at Marston’s.
The Board continuously monitors and assesses
the special culture at Marston’s and is satisfied
that it reflects, and is reflected by, our purpose
and values; all of which are, in turn, aligned
toour strategy. The Board does this in a
varietyof ways:
Employee engagement
As set out on page 15, employee engagement
is principally undertaken by regular ‘Your
Voice’ monthly surveys. The Board receives
regular reports on results and key themes are
discussed at Board meetings throughout the
year, including employee views on company
culture, policies and strategy. The Board also
regularly meets with a cross section of our
people and Pub Partners by participating in
days in trade and Board dinners. Bridget Lea is
our designated Non-Executive Director for
Workforce Engagement.
Behaviour framework
The Board, the Executive Committee and
management, comprising the Leadership
Group, all lead by example by acting in
accordance with the Company’s Behaviour
Framework. This framework (which also applies
to the wider workforce) is directly aligned to
our values and purpose, thereby helping to
promote and embody culture through our
ways of working.
Alignment of policies and approach
The Board plays a key role in helping to ensure
that our policies and practices, particularly
relating to pay, bonuses and fair working
practices, are consistent with Company values
and support long-term sustainable success.
Further detail on the alignment of our bonus
scheme to our values and KPIs (which include
employee engagement) is set out on page 72.
The Audit Committee has delegated
responsibility from the Board to review
mechanisms for reporting matters of concern,
including an annual review of ‘Speak Up’, the
Company’s whistleblowing system, to ensure
those mechanisms are appropriate, accessible
and meet our expected standards of conduct.
KPI alignment and measurement
A number of our KPIs such as employee
engagement and EHO scores, allow trends in
Company culture to be continually measured,
monitored and reviewed. The Board receives
monthly KPI reports, supported by regular
presentations from the CEO and Executive
Stakeholder engagement
The Board supports and actively encourages
good relationships with all stakeholders,
recognising their importance to the long-
termsuccess of the Company. In seeking to
understand the views of our stakeholders and
be able to fulfil their section 172 duties when
making decisions, the Board engages directly
with some stakeholder groups, including
shareholders and employees, and indirectly
with others, through sector bodies and reports
and presentations by Executive Directors,
Leadership Group and advisers. Details of
theCompany’s key stakeholders and how
thebusiness and the Board have engaged
with them, during the year, are set out on
pages 21 to 23.
In considering all opportunities and risks that
the Company faces, the Board focuses its
attention on the long-term sustainable success
of the business which ultimately generates
value for our shareholders. All proposals and
business decisions are made for the benefit
ofthe Company’s long-term sustainability,
ensuring they are aligned to our strategy,
purpose and values. The interests of relevant
stakeholders are considered as part of that
process and, while the Board recognises that it
is not always possible for decisions to achieve a
positive outcome for every stakeholder group,
the Board considers it has acted fairly and
transparently in evaluating all decisions.
Furtherinformation is set out in the Section
172(1) statement on page 20.
Annual Report and Accounts
The Annual Report and Accounts is the main
tool for providing a comprehensive review
ofthe business, details of our governance
framework in action and annual results.
Thisyear, mindful of our sustainability agenda,
increased cost and the need to reduce our
use of natural resources wherever possible,
wehave focused our efforts on the online
version of the Annual Report and Accounts,
reducing the number of printed copies to
ensure minimal waste after fulfilling the
requirements of our shareholders who still
require printed copies.
We would like to thank our investor community
for supporting this initiative andwould
encourage our investors to explore our website
and online Annual Report and Accounts. Please
contact investorrelations@marstons.co.uk
withany queries.
2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The 2023 AGM will once again be held at
theFarmhouse at Mackworth in Derby, one
ofour own pubs. Shareholders are welcome
toattend in person, but we would request
thatyou register your intention to attend in
advance so we can monitor numbers and
ensure that we are adequately prepared
toaccommodate all attendees safely.
Shareholders will again be given the
opportunity to ask questions ahead of the
meeting, using a dedicated email address
(agm@marstons.co.uk) if they are unable to
attend in person. We will ensure that each
question receives a direct response, with those
questions pertinent to the business of the
meeting published on our website.
To enable all shareholders to vote on all
resolutions in proportion to their shareholding,
the voting at the 2023 AGM will be conducted
by way of a poll and shareholders are
encouraged to vote as early as possible ahead
of the meeting. The Company will release the
results of voting, including proxy votes on each
resolution, on its website on thenext business
day after the AGM and announce them
through a regulatory news service. Details of
how you can submit questions and cast your
votes at the AGM areset out in the Notice of
Meeting, which will be made available to
shareholders by their chosen method of
communication and is alsoavailable on our
website. The Board looks forward to meeting
shareholders once again.