Human Rights

At Marston's we believe in the value of each other and respecting each other's human rights, as expressed in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We are committed to identifying, preventing, and mitigating adverse human rights impacts resulting from or caused by our business activities.

Our ways of working are aligned with our belief of, and commitment to, the Declaration of Human Rights.

Community and stakeholder engagement

We recognise our impact on the communities in which it operates. We are committed to engaging with stakeholders in our communities to ensure that we are listening to, learning from and taking into account their views as we conduct our business. Where appropriate, we engage with stakeholders on human rights issues related to our business.

Ethical business conduct

Valuing diversity and preventing harassment

We celebrate cultural and individual diversity within the workplace. We are dedicated to ensuring our workplaces are free from discrimination or harassment due to someone’s race, sex, colour, national or social origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, political opinion or any other status protected by applicable law. We will not tolerate employees being subject to physical, sexual, racial, psychological, verbal, or any other form of harassment, bullying or abuse.

The basis for recruitment, hiring, placement, training, compensation and advancement at the Company is qualifications, performance, skills and experience.

Child labour, forced labour and human trafficking

As a company we are committed to protecting the rights of children. We do not permit exploitation of children or involuntary servitude for our employees, or within our suppliers or business partners. We will not employ anyone under the age of 16. Employees under the age of 18 will not perform any hazardous work. We respect all relevant laws regarding voluntary employment and minimum age for employment.

At Marston’s, we are committed to combatting modern-day slavery through the adoption and promotion of business practices that seek to protect victims of human trafficking, and the development of proactive measures to educate employees and encourage our partners and the broader business community to take a stand against human trafficking.

Protection of the rights of employees

Freedom of association and collective bargaining

We respect the rights of our employees' right to join, form or not to join a labour union without fear of reprisal, intimidation or harassment. Where employees are represented by a legally recognised union, we are committed to establishing a constructive dialogue with their freely chosen representatives. The Company is committed to bargaining in good faith with such representatives.

Safe and healthy workplace

Marston’s provides a safe and healthy workplace and complies with applicable safety and health laws, regulations and internal requirements. For more information regarding health and safety, please see our Health & Safety policy.

Workplace security

We are committed to maintaining a workplace that is free from violence, harassment, intimidation and other unsafe or disruptive conditions due to internal and external threats. Security safeguards for employees are provided as needed and will be maintained with respect for employee privacy and dignity.

Wages and hours

Marston’s compensates employees competitively relative to the industry and local labour market. We operate in full compliance with applicable wage, work hours, overtime and benefit laws.

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