Governance framework
Marston’s vision, goals and priorities are clear, and our governance framework supports these, providing a structure of effective management and controls to measure and assess performance and risk.

Governance documents
Schedule of matters reserved for the board
We have an agreed schedule of matters specifically reserved for the Board’s decision.
Schedule of matters reserved for the board
(PDF 93 KB)
Remuneration Committee
We have a formal and transparent procedure for developing policy on executive remuneration.
Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference
(PDF 91 KB)
The Company’s current Directors’ Remuneration Policy (PDF 1.35 MB) (extracted from the Annual Report and Accounts 2022) was approved by shareholders at the AGM held on 24 January 2023.
Audit Committee
We have established formal and transparent arrangements for considering how we apply financial reporting and internal control principles.
Audit Committee Terms of reference
(PDF 157 KB)
Policy for the provision of non-audit services
(PDF 91 KB)
Nomination Committee
We have a formal and transparent procedure for the appointment of new directors to the board.
Nomination Committee Terms of reference
(PDF 120 KB)
Articles of Association
Here you can read the Articles of Association of Marston’s PLC.
Articles of Association
(PDF 600 KB)
Equal opportunities
Our policy is to treat all employees and job applicants in the same way regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, nationality, race, religious beliefs,
origin, membership or non-membership of a trade union, spent convictions or disability.
Equal opportunities for our equal opportunities policy
(PDF 235 KB)
Tax strategy
Marston’s recognises that collecting and paying tax are an important part of the way in which our business contributes to society, and the Group takes its obligations very seriously.
The Tax Strategy, approved by the Board of Marston’s PLC, sets out the Group’s approach to managing its tax affairs.
See our tax strategy
(PDF 159 KB)
Whistleblowing Policy
We conduct our business with the highest standards of integrity and honesty. Marston’s expects all employees to maintain these standards in everything they do. Employees are therefore encouraged to report any wrongdoing by Marston’s PLC or its employees which falls short of these business principles.
Our Whistleblowing Policy can be viewed here.
(PDF 670 KB)
Our Whistleblowing Portal Speak Up to raise a concern can be accessed here.
CIPS Professional Code of Ethics
We adopt the principles set out in the Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (CIPS) professional code of ethics.
See the code of ethics on the CIPS site
Statutory Code
The Pubs Code Regulations came into effect on 21st July 2016. For more information please see our Statutory Pubs Code page.
The Marston’s PLC Pension and Life Assurance Scheme
Here you can read the Statement of Investment Principles (“SIP”) – February 2025 and the Annual Engagement Policy Implementation Statement .